I’m available for editorial or writing assignments on a freelance basis. Find some of the things I can be hired to do below:
Translations: I can produce pitch-perfect translations from English to Spanish or from Spanish to English. Depending on the document type – I mainly work with professional, academic, business, literary and promotional texts, though I will also translate the occasional technical document – I work to maintain meaning of the text while producing translations that are clear and strike the appropriate tone in each case. Visit my post on translations for a detailed list of services and samples. Rates vary by assignment, so please contact me to quote a project.
Copywriting: Promotional copy for print, web, audiovisual formats. Experience writing copy for products and services, as well as for non-profits, fundraising campaigns and events.
Editing and Proofing: For publication. I can also work with writers to develop concepts for both presentation and internal or personal use.
Content Development: Company newsletters, presentations, formal documents. For extensive brand-related work, please contact me via The Studio. (The team can also help you with design!)
Writing Assignments: I’ll take on writing assignments for publication (print or web). I’m able to write articles, columns, research pieces and conduct interviews for magazines, journals, newspapers and their digital counterparts. I can also write editorials, book introductions and gallery text. I’m especially fond of culture and the arts.